In Defense of Christians, National Leadership Convention Washington D.C- Thomas Abraham and Bishop Gregory Mansour participating in Question and Answer Session at the National Press Club.

In Defense of Christians, National Leadership Convention Washington D.C- Thomas Abraham and Bishop Gregory Mansour participating in Question and Answer Session at the National Press Club.
SOWW – Special Operations Wounded Warriors
Joel Pellicci, Vice President & Founder has dedicated his Life in supporting our Wounded Special Operators , Our Hero’s deserve our adoration and support.
It was a Great Honor to Host A True American Hero at a Great Event, God Bless America and GodBless our Men and Woman who defend and protect our Freedom’s with their body, souls and Life.
Thomas Abraham
A Journey In Search of Hope
A Spiritual Enlightenment at Center Al Fadi were every day is made to feel like Christmas. Each year, volunteers from the Youth of the Order of Malta in Lebanon get together with the youth of other delegations from Germany, England, Holland and France to bring joy, love and happiness to physically and mentally challenged individuals (“guests”) coming from specialized homes and psychiatric hospitals across Lebanon.
Thomas Abraham, Chairman of the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation trip to Chabrough in support of the Nights of Malta’s Al Fadi Center on behalf of the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation.
Thomas Abraham Chairman of the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation Visit Creche St. Vincent . A Journey in Search of Hope- Creche St. Vincent a Haven for Unwanted Children is the story of Anthony and Genevieve Abraham Founders of Anthony R. Abraham Foundation and their Trip to Beirut Lebanon in the 50’S and coming back to America with two orphans from the Creche of St. Vincent.
In life we do not choose our parents and we do not control our future as children.This story commemorates the Love and compassion of Anthony and Genevieve Abraham.
A Journey In Search of Hope
June 26,2015
Beirut Lebanon
Meeting with Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi.
I want to share with you this short story that I shared with Patriarch Beshara Rahi so that you my better appreciate the love and dedication we have for our Christian faith. I was one of two adopted children from an orphanage in Beirut by my father and mother who give us a new life in America.
When I was of the age of twelve I asked my father why he was building Churches and Seminary’s for the Maronite Church, he stated frankly without a Maronite Church there is no hope for our heritage to survive in America and that the Maronite tradition and values embodies the foundation for future generations to embrace their heritage and faith in America. My father was blessed and became an American success story and created the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation to give back to God and country for the blessing that were showered upon him.
We are proud of our Heritage and our Maronite Church and want to be accountable for protecting our heritage and religion, as millions of people of all faiths across the world. My visit with Patriarch Beshara Rahi focused on the need to pray for the Christians in the Middle East who are in need of support by the world community.
Patriarch Beshara Rai, last week in Syria called for peace and criticized “the death of the world’s conscience “over the lack of action against militant groups such as the Islamic State in the Middle East. Patriarch Beshara Rahi stated in Syria last week, “We carry the cause of all Christians, people of Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen and any country that suffers,” “We, the five Eastern patriarchs, are here to pray for peace. We pray for peace in Syria and the region; we pray for the dead conscience of the international community. We pray for a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Syria, and that Syrians — Christians and Muslims — remain attached to their land, and for the return to their homes in dignity, of those that the war displaced.”
It has been our boards stated mission to, Love, Honor, Respect and Empower the Lives of the Suffering, Hopeless and Forgotten through supporting those institutions who embrace the Spirit of Enlightenment. We believe that the Popes visit this September to the United Sates will provide for a historic opportunity to implant in the minds and hearts of Americans and Christian and people of all faiths around the world the urgency of the situation and the need to act now.
As I visit the many charitable institution in Lebanon who are at the front lines of providing this life line of hope to all those effected by the merciless annihilation of innocent lives I truly can appreciate the responsibility of acting now to make a difference.
Thomas Abraham
Chairman – Anthony R. Abraham Foundation