
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation and the Project Hero Foundation trip to Washington D.C.

Anthony R. Abraham Foundation and the the Project Hero Foundation trip to Washington D.C. to meet with political leaders and government agencies in support of launching national program designed to help our Homeless Veterans,’s first responder’s, fireman and police officers created by Project Hero Founder John Wordin

On the Road Looking For Hope!
All roads lead to Washington in search of crystallizing new avenues of renewal for those Charitable institutes providing a extend hand of Hope.
In Washington for meetings at @ #USCMwinter17 The Untied States Conference of Mayors 85th Winter Meeting.
Meeting with Mr. Tom Cochran, CEO & Executive Director of The United States Conference of Mayors about the June Meeting of Conference of Mayors to be held in Miami Beach.
Working on hosting special guest speaker to speak at conference on behalf of Project HERO Founded by Joh Wordin. The @anthony R AbrahamAnthony R. Abraham Foundation greatly appreciated Mr. Cochran and his staff for the hospitality and support of our mission to participate in the upcoming Conference of Mayors meeting in South Beach.
We are extremely appreciative for Mayor Levine of Miami Beach City Hall and his staff for making all the arrangements for us to attend the Mayors Conference.
Thomas Abraham

Supporting Extra Yard For Teachers

The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation is Honored and Privileged for the second year in a row to provide a contribution to Extra Yard For Teachers in support of School Teachers Education Fund.
Within the next forty-five days Mr. Britain Banowsky, Executive Director College Football Playoff Foundation and the Extra Yards for Teachers Foundation we’ll be hosted in Miami by The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation in visiting two very special schools in South FL. to award them with a contribution from the College Football Playoff Foundation in support of the Extra Yards for Teachers Initiative.
We Salute Mr. Britain Banowsky, Executive Director -College Football Playoff Foundation in their efforts to provide our Educators with the extra resourse they need to continue their work and passion to educate our Children.
Thomas Abraham
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation

In Search of Hope

This past weekend in Tampa Florida, the world’s eyes were fixated on who was going to win the College Football Championship Game between Alabama and Clemson. There were those in attendance who were also working hard in supporting their favorite charities by showcasing them at the numerous charitable events happening throughout the city.
It was indeed a great opportunity to spend time with Rodney Barreto the Chairman of the South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee and Mike Zimmer, President of the Super Bowl Host Committee discussing the numerous opportunities to showcase charitable organizations for the upcoming 2020 Super Bowl in Miami.
I’m pleased to say that the Abraham Foundation welcomes the opportunity to work with the Super Bowl Host Committee in actively working with Mr. Barreto and Mr. Zimmer on their committees to identify those projects which will be selected to bring about awareness and support for those local charities in South Florida.
Congratulation to the Clemson Tigers in winning the National College Football Championship Game. We also extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to all those who supported the local charitable events in Tampa during the Championship Game.
Looking forward to next year’s Championship Game in Atlanta in pursuit of showcasing an amazing G ala for a very special charity.
Thomas Abraham

Dr. Joesph Jabbra, President of Lebanese American University and Thomas Abraham

Dr. Joesph Jabbra, President of Lebanese American University and Thomas Abraham , in Orlando FL. Meeting on the Future of Medicine and Technology and its effects on Higher Education.


The Annual Lebanese Festival

The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation is honored to help in underwriting this amazing cultural event inviting the whole South Florida Community to come and participate in the sounds, smells and taste of the meaning of being proud of your heritage and showcasing for the community the Rich American Lebanese community’s love of its cultural and Heritage.
Come bring your family and friends for a truly rich experience.
Thomas Abraham
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation