Thankful to have been part of this year’s FIU Torch Gala along such important people. For new incredible things to come! GodSpeed! #AbrahamFoundation
Author: The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation
In Pursuit of Funding, Hope for our Brave Men and woman who have served in our armed services. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry office and Congressman Duncan Hunter discussing the need to establish protocols to measure the success of the Project Hero programs. Thanks to both congressman Hunter and Fortenberry we were encouraged to continue developing program for the development of funding initiative.
Our True American Hero’s have great support within the Halls of Congress thanks to the untold number of Congressman and Woman who believe that our Veterans deserve our support and Respect.
#GodSpeed #AbrahamFoundation
The Anthony R. Abraham Foundation has been asked why do we personally get involved in the charities we support, the answers are numerous but most important is we want to make make sure that there is 100% commitment from those we support.
Today John Wordin, Founder of Project Hero – Research Institute of Mental Health and I meet with members of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to discuss next steps in launching the Project Hero Hub program in the VA Hospitals.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Shulkin had scheduled a follow up meeting with us today to get update on progress of initiative and made supportive recommendations with his staff to move forward on working on details necessary to launch project.
We were pleased that Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Shulkin would be attending a special meeting the Abraham Foundation will host in Miami the week of the United States Conference of Mayors this June.
Both John Wordin and I extended our deepest thanks of appreciation to Secretary Shulkin for his continued faith in the program and willingness to be engaged in reaching out to those institutions that are bringing Hope to our men and woman who have served in our armed services.
#GodSpeed #AbrahamFoundation
Thomas Abraham
What can we say!!! But thanks, thanks, thanks for your passion, commitment and support to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital our #IamStJudeHero.
Congrats on your first Triathlon of 2017.
Form the Board of Anthony R. Abraham Foundation
The Honor Games at The University Of Miami Football Team Training Field. Anthony R. Abraham Foundation is a proud sponsor of The Honor Games founded by our good friend Che Scott who helps promotes the healthy welfare of our youths.