
A Tribute to Jim Kelly – Supporting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

What an amazing way to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by joining us in one of the NFL’s premier sanctioned charity event Super Bowl week.Please join us at the Legends for Charity Pat Summerall Dinner Award Event January 30,2020.






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Supporting the Extra Yards for Teachers Foundation

It has been an Honor and Privilege to be a supporter of the Extra Yards for Teachers Foundation. We look forward to building out the first Smart Class room at the Seed School in Miami.

As President of the Anthony R. Abraham Foundation I want to extend on behalf of the Abraham Foundation Board of Directors we want to extend to the Extra Yard For Teachers our best wishes for a success school year. May your love, compassion and commitment to enrich the lives of the students you educate be fused by the rewards if knowing one day those you have guided will one day find their place in making a contribution to the community the live.


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