
Present the President of Lebanon a Collectors Running Jersey in N.Y.

What better way to continue to support Peace, Love, Run the Beirut Marathon, created by the Queen and Founder of Peace, Love , Run May El Khalil than to present the President of Lebanon a collectors running jersey in N.Y. as part of his visit to the United Nation Assembly.

On May 10th 2019 the Beirut Marathon will showcase to the world that the Lebanese people gather together over 47 thousand strong in support of spreading the message that Peace, Love, Run is the catalyst uniting the people of Lebanon under one Flag , symbolized with the Cedar Of Lebanon flying high representing the iconic history of the Lebanese people who spread Peace, and commerce throughout the ancient world as Phoenicians.

It is with Love and understanding and respect for all our human rights that we can continue to bring Peace to Lebanon. GodSpeed and thank You Beirut Marathon.

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Meeting Noah Elliot, a memeber of the USA Olympic and Paralympic Team

Team USA- while in Colorado Springs for US Olympic and Paralympic Foundation meeting had the opportunity to meet Noah Elliot, a memeber of the USA Olympic and Paralympic Team. What an amazing story.

The one thing that truly stuck out that he told me in how he had the determination and will to survive after his accident came from the Love and support of his mother, family and friends that never allowed him to give up hope for a better Life. Not only a survivor but became an Gold Medalist.

Go Team USA.

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The Board of the In Defense of Christians Meetings

In Washington D.C. as part of the Board of the In Defense of Christians meetings. Had opportunity to meet with Rep. Donna Shalala to discuss Lebanon and the Syrian Refugees- Univeristy & Education and support of the Lebanese Military.

It was a very productive meeting and great to visit with an proactive friend who will make a huge difference as our elected representative in South FL.

Thank You Represenative Shalala for spending time with us and providing your support and guidance.


Thomas Abraham.
