A Dear Friend sent me a Christmas greeting that I wanted to share with all those friends and supporters of every Charity that has received your heart warming support and continued leadership in making a difference in the lives of those in need.
Thank you for being the small grain of sand that help shape and mold those new mountains of strength imbedded in the hearts and souls of those reaching for a glimmer of hope in their lives.
Your compassion and spirit of caring and giving are the pillars of life that help uplift the lives of the angles that The Almighty has brought to our sight in order to measure our free will in making those decisions that measure our compassion and empathy towards fellow human beings.
Here my wish to all of you!!!
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!,
A quote of a very old Irish Blessing:
“May the road leading to 2017 rise to meet you,
“May the wind be always at your back,
“May the sun shine warm upon your face,
“The rain fall soft upon your fields, and…
“Until we meet again,
“May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.”
I was Blessed to be invited to a very special conference on the Genocide against Christians in the Middle East which we presented Pope Francis this past Summer our findings as it concerned our finding.
It was an Honor and Privilege to participate in the work that came out of the meeting. In Defense of Christians has been a pivotal organization in the World in putting a spot light on the plight of Christians in the Middle East.
Gods Blessings upon you and your families.